It's been more than a month now since I left home. (Omgosh I'm actually sososo far from HOME!) Looking at where my current position is, I am filled with gratitude.
Embrace challenges and turn them into opportunity for learning, growth, and maturity.
When I looked back at my goals, dreams, and breakthroughs written down in my soft red weaved note book, that I want to see in my life, they are all coming to past one by one. Slowly and steadily, I am a conqueror. Because Jesus has conquered everything- even the grave! I am God's daughter. Whoever believes in God will also be adopted as sons and daughters of Most High. To know God is a great relieve knowing that I am not alone! Toughhhh, I never said that it was easy. But I overcome pressure and hard moments when they come because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, because of God's help when I cry out to Him.
And then I was planning on my semesters which classes to take and divide my credits into a couple of semesters (you actually create your own schedule! Another decision-making part to train myself), I guess I will graduate when I turn 21 or 22. That got me into thinking, that... in 1-2 years time, I'm gonna be a working adult! Am I ready am I ready?? Oh my goodness me.
A month and a half here, I felt as if it was 3 months, in a good way. I learnt soso much in these few days since I got here. There is always opportunity to look out and learn- academically, being independent, having my own views, exercise giftings, mature in the Word etc. It also depends on how we use our time here. Time management is so important. It's funny, I learn more here in a short period of time than that in Malaysia.
The days and weeks pass by so quickly. In all of those days I know that I learn something. Just taking one step at a day. All good things work for good for those who love Him, who are called according to God's purpose. Just keep believing and declaring the good future God set for me. I used to think of Berklee as my future, now that I'm actually a Berklee student, because at tough, despairing and discouraging moments I had, I persevered in my prayers to be able to attend music college in Boston.
By God's GRACE and will, I am living in my future that has become my present; my dream that has become a reality. Awesomee. Like... Really. Crazeee lah!
This can happen to everyone- good things in life. I'm no different or more special than anyone. It was just that I held on to God so tightly about my future because I didn't know what to do. So, what to do? Know God's power, what He can do (He can do anything lah!) and who He is, who we are and what power we hold, know our purpose, if we don't, always check with God, and then we'll start to see great things happening. Good fruits will bear and they will multiply. Our work, blessings and gifts will automatically multiply. Okay I have to stop now, else it will never end hahaha. Yays! Serve this God, He is terrific. Not to mention, LOVING. AND. GOOD! Gota check Him out man.