
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Feet gotta remain steady on ground

Summer has gone. And fall is near. It's here! Definitely experiencing the season changing.
   Though the physical surrounding is going through a tremendous shift in temperature, and green leaves are turning to brown, red and yellow, my heart must remain steady, calm and loyal with my
       season of life.
That is... to study and remain focus for the rest of the semester.

It's kinda difficult, there's the tendency to sleep more in cold weather, and when seeing things changing- people, environment, friends, happening stuffs going on in family etc. there's also the tendency to change or do something new/different as well, and put down the things doing half way or forget to finish the current season.


This calls for... endurance ! And perseverance.

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