
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Snippets of thoughts

Just a quick one!

Yesterday, when I was taking the T, I looked around just to observe and it dawn on me that I'm really, really living in the USA. And I just want to remind myself, to make the best use of time here. I don't want any regrets of like "Aiyah, I should have done this done that, why was I so shy at that moment and did not take the chance or risk to do something that might make a history or memories" all these when I'm back in Malaysia for good, when my college years are yesteryears.

Wherever we are, make the best out of the whole situation.

Here right, cannot afford to be lazy even just a day! It's so not the worth :D

Actually, the best is don't have the habit of being lazy.

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