
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

So Faithful

It's coming to an end soon. Tomorrow's my last pi exam. And then I'm officially done in ICOM. The 2 years spent in there felt like 4 years.

After tomorrow, I have lots of thinking to do. Christmas presentation, to audition for Berklee again or not, to choose which major, to go for the MAS interview or not, to practice more, to sign up for violin lessons and vocals, to clean my room, to this and to that and also to say goodbye to my friends; some who are leaving Malaysia for good to further study and some going back to their country.

But this morning, driving on the way to church for 8am practice, the morning sun and its golden rays glowed so beautifully in the sky. God's wonderful creation reminds me of so faithful of Him in my life. It doesn't matter how I feel today, He is loyal. His creation is such a nice sight to behold! Oh yes, I do focus on the road when I'm driving.

I was reminded of living for Christ. But I struggle with my own desires and ambitions.
I cannot lose hope. If I do lose hope, I've lost the battle. Christ is the victory. Hold on to Him. Everything I do, I should do it with joy, do it with excellence.

Somtimes, I'm impatient to see the results.

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