
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Mother's Love

Mom just threw me an awesome steamboat party to celebrate my straight As SPM results.
Thank you mom for your cooking, preparation, strength, effort and LOVE!
I love you so much and I appreciate you loads <3

Mom has taught me the value of love. I grew up with her love- preparing breakfast before school, took time to coach me story telling during primary school days,my home-made-with-much-love January birthday cakes, birthday square pizzas back in Mentakab, be my listening ear to ALL stuffs that I'm facing in life, knows my favourite food, never gives me stress on my studies, buys me stuffs when she sees stuffs that reminds her of me, supportive mom and corrects me when I'm wrong.

Most of the time, I see myself as my mom in the next 10 years! I like mom's detailed, thoughtful and neat personality. I looked like my dad, but character wise I'm alot like her, an exact photocopy of mom. That includes me being a light-sleeper just like her! And, we can't sing in tune but have all the notes right in our heads, we just can't deliver the notes perfectly :D
I'm super blessed to have a mom like her.
This is for you, Mommy Wee!

(she looks kinda serious in the picture :P we were in Bangkok, but she's the cool, jolly, friendly and humorous type of mom teehee!)

Oh and, she even baked Esther a birthday cupcake last year on Skype hehe! Because of mom, I learn to be thoughtful and appreciative towards my family and friends :)

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