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The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
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Monday, June 6, 2011

The David-Daphne relation

It makes sense!

Yesterday 23:09

Looking at myself, I felt small, shy, lack of confidence and realized that I'm not equipped with any equipment! I began to doubt God's plan and the ministry He's about to get me involved. I'd say, even if you're good theoretically about having faith and not to doubt, somehow somewhere down in the recesses of my mind, my faith dwindled. I was deceived by the vicious enemy, the lies felt so real and true to me : What's so special about yourself? You're too young lahh, and inexperienced. D.e.f.i.n.i.t.e.l.y. not up to the standard. Inadequate.

Then God's word (I knew it was his) blew all the devil's lies away, telling him off : So what? Are you making fun of David? Haven't you learnt about the David-Goliath story?

It makes sense!

David the shepherd was shy, goodie, youngest, smallest among his family... was like me! Scrap the youngest part, I'm the middle child fella teehee. God chose him to be king; God chose him out of his 7 brothers; God made him special; God helped him to defeat Goliath! David, he took up the fight. This is really important. If he didn't take up the fight, Goliath wouldn't be killed and wonder what would happen to the Isrealites- the whole nation! He wasn't equipped at all. With just 5 smoothes stones and a sling bag, he struck the giant down. He was brave, the Lord was with him; He was confident, the Lord was with him. Eventhough his oldest brother, Eliab judged him "... I know how proud you are. I know how evil your heart is..." (1 Samuel 17:18), David didn't give up. In fact, he spoke up [to Saul] "..I'll go out and fight him [Goliath]." (1 Samuel 17:32) Not sure what guts he had, probably not much of self confidence but he knew he had to pick the fight.

Composing music sometimes just need to be simple and natural. David took only 5 stones, not with him any military clothes, armor, bronze helmet and sword and training along the battle with the Palestine, it was only God and his stones man! What an incredible amount of faith and testimony. I bet he too did wrestle with God should he go up and take the fight, little did he know it was a fight that has changed a life's time history.

He trusted God, obeyed Him and showed the world that this almighty God can do the impossible.

Support, comfort and courage come from God.

Rilek lah.


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