
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Midnight trip

Around 12am, I couldn't take it anymore! It had been the whole day and night. Dad was asking me go see a doc. Yesh yesh! So, off we drove to a 24-hour clinic down town, midnight. The streets were cold and lifeless, just a few shops closing down with some help from men. I had a horrrrrrible flu.

He was driving a F1 racing car on the straight road. Out of nowhere, a "kancil" police car dashed out too brooooom... He sped, so did we. He parked in front of the clinic, so did we. Monkeys see, monkeys do? I assumed that the policeman got sick. What was I thinking man??

But when we got down the car, it was a thin sick old prisoner breathing his first air from the world. He was creepy. Everyone was trying their best not to stare at him in the clinic. The clinic was jam packed in the wee hours! I was too scared to stare at him, so I just stare at my tissue box. It was more friendlier.

That man was shivering like a vibrating massage chair. Poor guy, but creepy. He was a Chinese when I heard his name got called, but doesn't look like one anymore. If only he knew the gospel, he wouldn't ended up in prison or less likely to be deceived by the devil. Two biggie cops were guarding that prisoner, so I thought it was safe.

I went for a check up. The doctor was kinda coool. So cooooool enough to charge my bill for a friggin RM60! I even got a test using the H1N1 'thermometer'. But it wasn't the virus despite my Rudolph nose and sore throat. Thank God. Daddy had to sacrifice his sleep and will be having a court case the next day just a few more hours. Quite an interesting trip to the clinic =D