
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Like a parabola curve

Sometimes I feel like blogging.
Other times I don't feel like blogging.
At times I don't know what to blog.

Three weeks of exam is really a torture chamber for my brain. Study till approximately 12am, wakes up again at 5am, continue studying. Maybe that's why I'm so moody. I feel like curling myself up like a ball in the room and get a non stop 12-hour sleep! Or be a skunk (minus the stinky part)- sleep for a whole season. Nicee~

I'm always hungry too. Hypothesis : The more moody/stress, the more intake of food to the stomach.

It's just another half a year more till I'm so done with all the studying system in Malaysia.

I miss my sista. I miss church the way it used to be.

Gah! Looking forward for June!
-Church Family camp
-Taylor's College Life In One Day {CLIOD} (foundation in Science and SAM)
-Zafirah's wedding -my cousin
-Trip to Melaka, sunburn n cendol??
-Bro n daddy's birthdays
-Song recording for Bangkit~!
-I get to dance my fingers all day long on the piano woohoo!


and now back to study.



~StH3R~ said...

haha you'll be done in no time :D

Daphne said...

yea jie, can't wait for the 'real' holiday :)

pb said...

i longed for that break during my tests and finals too! longest 11 weeks ive ever had. and the break was over too quickly =.=

best break is resting in God... drowned in His presence =) u get that everyday! ahhhhh

Daphne said...

ahhhh Pb! i'm gona get that break soon and break my backbones for having too much of fuuun @.@

still, best break is resting in God ;) sometimes struggling with it too =(