
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

To be a blessing

Every time I thought to myself why am I here again?
Why did I choose to embark on the music career journey.

I remember the vow I made, my SPM results, the bell I held in my hand, the promise God said that I believe will never return to me void, instead providing me a hope and a future, and all the miraculous financial encounters. I only need You- God.

When I was 17, I never thought about money issues. I happily chose music and every now and then, I sometimes worry about how music can help to earn a decent living. Soon on or later, I can't be asking mom and dad for money. There are new responsibilities next time like paying the bills, house, cars, petrol bla bla omgosh that is adulthood! And then music for LIFE? Can barely earn properly- that's the Asian mindset. I could have followed my emotions and be something else that could earn a stable income eery month like my parents and sister. So every time when this worry comes, I have to remind myself I only need God. He is a good God and He is my provider. It is clear to me why I am to become a musician, and not something else. I know this when I see God helping me in a lot of things, and the peace and assurance I have from Him.

And when we serve Him, we will have a more definite focus as time passes. What we are doing, and why and the hows. The hows, are the most mysterious part for me. That one need a lot of trust ahaha. As we walk in the calling we're called to, our steps will become firm, by God's grace and power. We will know what we want, and be sure of it, what our dreams are and if we hold on to them and believe what God can do, our dreams will become a reality.

Hope in God!

Wherever we are, we are to bring blessings to people. In all we do, our actions, our words, our job, our ministry, our lifestyle, hobbies and interests. We use our gifts to bless people, and we are responsible for the gifts we have. We are to sharpen those gifts and consistently use them. Otherwise, it might be taken away from us if we are not of good steward. It will be even better if we use those talents for the Kingdom of God!

I'm not a public performer. I'm very shy and I don't know why. Playing in church on stage is not so much of a performance. It is a way for me to express love, gratitude and some much to Jesus. I feel free to dance in the music. It is also a privilege to actually know how to play the keyboards and enjoy it and share that moment with other talented musicians on stage in church on Sundays. And lead worship everyone come to the throne for one thing- to worship God and be close to Him.

I have dreams that one day I would like to see them come to pass. I have to remain faithful in God, and not to chicken out when giants appear.

Life is interestingly challenging.


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