
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cny smiles

This year, everyone checked in to the Wee's residence! Teehee :)

5 families had checked in on Saturday. The earliest was auntie Jeslyn (my ah yi) at 9.30am from Singapore. Claire and Dillon (my two favourite cousies) woke up early, excited, started journey 4am to not fight the jam. Then, uncle Fook Kok and Popo in the afternoon from Kuantan and uncle Hagen in the evening from Singapore. Auntie Khadijah (my Ah Bo) from Melaka the next day. Every Heng konco-konco were here this year except for Esther and Zafirah :) The house was super cheerful and kecoh-kecoh. The Wees joined us too. Good thing the floor and walls were still in good condition =D

As usual, our "annual" record was to watch last minute movies! In the afternoon, while waiting for the other half Singaporeans, Ahyi n uncle Mike took all of us to watch ...

1) 72 tenants of prosperity (in Cantonese haha!) - Singapore don't encourage movies in Cantonese

2) Percy Jackson & the lightning thief (English ah? Yala...)

I watched no.2 with uncle Mike n uncle FookKok-we were so just in time, 3 mins late only :)

The next day we watched True Legend in Mandarine (no choice for ah yi in Cantonese, and no other movies for me to watch). Turned out, not bad lah. The Kung Fu stunts were impressive and I mistaken the bad guy was Jay Chou- JC's eyes were smaller hee! Still 17, couldn't watch The Wolfman. So it was either Little Big Soldier pg 13 or True Legend or rot at home doing nothing :)

Esther was in the house too with us during reunion dinner! Through... Msn. We turned on the laptop to give her the CNY mood. Later, some Singapore "true" ghost stories were told by Wesley from NTU Singapore and magic tricks by uncle Daniel (Wee's). Classic! We played this maths scrabble- Rubbikubes. I felt like I'[ve just solved some AddMaths questions -.- There were pregnant silence in between but it was also conversation for us- since we were all extroverts.

Every morning we have Claire and Dillon as alarm for breakfast- Wakeup wakeup wakeup wakeup! *Pulls arm with all their might!* I've gain some weight before CNY, and now the makan kakis are all here. Every gathering, Ahyi and uncle Mike will interrogate the bigger kids- bgr, career choices ETC.. Oh man! Esther, you were in too yeah hee. Later we did some shoppings- bras and FOS, movies Kung Fu Panda, Narnia Prince Caspian and Slumdog Millionair again :)

The house was never sleeping. Wesley and Estee were up whole night to study-exams are in this week. Nescafe everywhere, people everywhere- in halls, in rooms. From laughters to kiddies arguing, everything was so unpredictable with random jokes and farnie things happened. It's not so much of the things we did, but the things that we did together that matter. It's good to have them around! Loves!

1 comment:

~StH3R~ said...

owh geee....nice :) i can imagine... haha, i like family reunions!