
Hello! Come feed my fishy fishes :D
The yellow one is my favourite.
His name is Pee Wee.
#I rarely update my FB, Twitter maybe, Blog sometimes. Find me on Instagram ! Weedaphne :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What week?

2 weeks plus plus more is
The Week!
Cheng cheng cheng cheng....!!
What la, my PMR la, not some date or shopping spree la.. haha
(I just used 3 "la(s)" simultaneously in a sentence =D Malaysian la..haha)
After The Week I am so not gona post bout studies, well maybe next year =D
I might not blog a little while, sad-nye, on vacation next week, study, theory (super difficult!), n exams (final ones, yeap).

Later, class trip on Nov. Not to forget I'll learn up my drumming- song: Overwhelm -by my si-fu.. woohoo! Plans plans and more plans for upcoming events for MYF, Christmas events, camps, outings, carnivals etc.


Life is just simply pack and as busy as a bee with many events.
Whatever is the events, I'll make the best out of it.
And my focus is still.....

My Jesus!


Addison said...

can u like plsssss dun post about how near ur suffering is gona end?!?! u have a week, i have a YEAR!!! haha! oh man, en en en en enjoy ur holidays, hoo!! Be Thou My Vision ok?! =)

Daphne said...

waaaaat?? lols.. i stil hav spm n after spm n u're finishing all of them k k k? haha.. okok, BTMV worship song!

Maiorem said...

I have to work at least 2 years only I can enter into the seminary la...2 WHOLE YEARS!!!

Addison said...

2 years working no stress ma, or maybe a different kind of stress, get $$$ summore..

Maiorem said...

No stress? NO STRESS?!! Everyday I have to make about one call every 2 minutes for 8 hours a day only to get like 5-7 interviews while the target is supposed to be 10 a day and sometimes certain people are rude and the not-so-rude ones just tell you they refuse and it's so #^@& frustrating!