It's been quite a while since we met. I've always wanted to blog but time seems to be chasing after me. Preparations for this SPM was a dreadful one indeed. So I'm taking a day off to blog, fb a little and watched TV- The Express. Good movie! Ernie Davis was one tough, strong-willed man for his people and football. There's so many exciting stuffs to do after SPM. More dreadful days? 23rd Nov till 8th Dec 2010. GAahh.
Here's what I've planned. Who knows I might just refer to this list here because I don't have one yet nyeheh :)
- Join Just For Laughs Gags audition (maybe drag Yuhahahhaa my good friend along)
- Plan up the dates and trip together with Sarah to visit my dear sister whee~
- Prepare myself to enrol as an ICOM student. Oo, latest news... I'm going to take the Berklee Transfer Programme. Boston babey here I come! God has been really awesome and always is. He has led me and got my parents' approval to go for music :) Maybe I'll blog about this coming soon...
- Christmas season is just around the corner too! If I have the time, I'll go to the malls and slide on their pianos. Extra pocket money might come in handy hee!
- OO! Go get my driving license! I'm so gonna pray hard that my driving instructor is a SHFEmale, not the babbling type...
- Bring my little brother (hmm, not so little anymore) for a round of badminton, swimming, and an ice cream day. He'll be studying in 4 Semangat next year and we're proud of him in getting in to the first class. Next prayer item will be him becoming a Pengawas heh.
- Meet up with some old, once upon a time friends. I hope their numbers are not rotten in my phone list.
I guess that's all I can think of right now. Be right back after the 8th Dec 2010. So long... :D
Sincerely and signing off,