"You and your parents went for a holiday. It was time to pack up and go home. But you were left behind! They were already half the journey back to KL! Do you think they will come back to the resort and pick you up?"
"Yesh yesh! Of coarse they will no matter what."
"This is the same kind of trust that you must have on Jesus. He is a Father to you. No matter what happens, just like your dad whom you trust to come back and get you. For sure you know that you can trust God."
This is one story I remind myself in trusting God- no matter what the circumstances are.
There's a big thin spider came crawling into my house! As big as my palm. It crawled so fast right into my PIANO!!! GAH! I couldn't take it. Dad wanted to spray and let it die slowly ; mom wanted to immediately whack the spider flat.
*WHAMS* the spider was flatten immediately after being sprayed.
Mom : You call this big?!!
I think that movie called "EIGHT LEGGED FREAK" is driving me nuts. Thanks to Esther who made me watch those Myvi-sized spider catching men and swallowed them down like nobody's business @.@
I just found my biggest fear : SPIDERS!